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Our Path to Parenthood

Excited. Ready. Nervous. Anxious. Eager. Blessed. Very, very blessed. These are all the emotions I am flooded with as I sit here one day past my due date and anxiously awaiting the arrival of our baby girl. With this extra time on my hands, it’s easy to find myself reflecting on how far we’ve come and how soon our lives are going change. In the most wonderful way possible.

Yesterday, I was doing some cleaning (nesting is a REAL THING) and dug out the photo album I had given Tyler back in 2014. The album that documented our entire relationship from the very beginning, complete with baby faces and cheesy little sayings on each page. We settled into the couch and started reliving our glory days, page by page. It started with Tyler’s 3 hour treks to visit me in my college town and pictures of carefree afternoons exploring the Upper Peninsula where he grew up. Then? Days we spent wandering around Italian streets drinking wine and eating far too much pizza for our own good, a road trip to the Rocky Mountains, our engagement on Lake Superior, and the list goes on. But the most powerful pictures fall on the page of the book. These are the photos that get me every time. We’re smiling, I’m holding my celebratory glass of wine, and he’s got me wrapped up tight. Why? That July, the doctors gave us the news that my cancer was fully resolved and the 5-month fight was over for good.

Why am I sharing this? I think I found that album for a reason yesterday. Sure our relationship was (and will always be) filled with plenty of days filled with easy laughter and spontaneous road trips. These are the memories that always seem to come to mind first. What I tend to push to the back of my memory are the harder days. Those days of both physical and emotional exhaustion. The days spent in hospital rooms rather than Italian hotel rooms overlooking the Mediterranean. These days are over and in the past, but every once and awhile I let them surface to remind me of how blessed we are. In a world filled with so much ugly and bad news around every corner, I think it’s that much more important to count blessings. We are blessed to be spending weekly trips to the hospital to hear the heartbeat of our sweet baby. And blessed to have each other on this crazy journey. The journey of parenthood that’s going to start so very SOON!

Message of the day: bumps in the road are often blessings in disguise and pave the way for beautiful things ahead.

maternity, stevens point
nursery, floral, poppies

nursery, central wisconsin
cat, nursery, rocking chair

poppies, nursery, maternity, stevens point, wisconsin

  1. Karolynn Meinke says:

    That was beautifully said, Alyssa. 
     Can’t wait to see and hold her.

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imagine this...

it's just you and your fiance.

You're nestled up by a fire at your family cabin, lakeside, with only the stars to accompany your sweet conversation over hot cocoa and Blue Moon.

you begin dreaming up your perfect wedding day.

Family, friends, and twinkle lights. Windblown hair. Hiking boots for adventurous photography. Cozy moments for just the two of you.
A dirty hem from dancing and making memories...
and smiles you just can't wipe off your faces.

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